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Myanmar - land of the golden pagodas

Accessability :
5/10 There are not a lot of planes going into Myanmar, and there are only a few ports where foreigners are allowed to enter as well. In addition to this you have to book visa online well in advance. Applying was easily enough, but it's more than nothing


Value for money

8/10 Hotels are "double the price of Thailand for half the quality", and I kind of agree to that statement. It was however fully doable to find decent hotels just by looking at the scores they've gotten online. Eating, drinking and doing stuff in Myanmar is not expensive, so I don't really agree to the people saying it's somewhat expensive there



5/10 It's easy enough to find some kind of transport to wherever you are going, it may be boat, bus, plane or taxi. The quality of the transport is usually not amazing, but as long as you get there...


language skills

2/10 There really aren't many who speak anything except for burmeese, but most hotel employees are ok, and they are very willing to learn and always try to understand what you want, so even if their skills aren't amazing, it's not very difficult to get around.



Bagan! sunrise, sunset, cruise around during the day - just enjoy the place and make sure you have a few days there.



Go to Mt Popa without lots and lots of smaller bills to give to the many, many beggars who want commission for cleaning the money shit from the stairs where you have to walk barefooted

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